I am using HeidiSQL for PostgreSQL 11 on Windows 10.
Whenever I try and alter pretty much anything about a table through the Table tab of Heidi, I get a syntax error (see image). Here is one example:
I am trying to alter the column name from "Capacity derating (%)" to "Capacity derating 0.5 - 1C (%)". The automatic Heidi ALTER CODE made by my editing the column name is:
ALTER COLUMN "Capacity derating 0.5-1C (%)" REAL NULL DEFAULT NULL;
COMMENT ON COLUMN "Half-cell extracted data"."Capacity derating 0.5-1C (;
I think that the SQL code for this querry should be:
RENAME COLUMN "Capacity derating (%)" TO "Capacity derating 0.5 - 1C (%)";
This second code works when I run it as a SQL query in the query tab.
Is it that I have odd symbols in my column names?
Thanks very much for any help.