Is there a Messages pane? I can't find it

jtome's profile image jtome posted 2 years ago in Running SQL scripts Permalink

Hi, I'm liking HeidiSQL, but can't find an equivalent to the messages pane in SSMS. I see the results tabs.


Is there something equivalent to this in the product?


ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

Messages in general are displayed in the log panel at the bottom. But I think that does not include the messages you see in SSMS. Are these messages sent to the client along with a query result?

jtome's profile image jtome posted 2 years ago Permalink

Yes the messages are sent to the client, but they are presented separate from the query results.

For instance if I use the T-SQL print statement in my script it will return to the SSMS messages tab shown above.

example script:

print 'Static text.'

print 'Your name is ' + @devname + '.'

Would return this to Messages:

Static text.

Your name is ansgar.

Hope that helps you understand what I'm after..

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

T-SQL is specific to SSMS or? HeidiSQL does not support T-SQL.

jtome's profile image jtome posted 2 years ago Permalink

Late to respond... Thanks for the clarification; I should not have assumed T-SQL was included in the product.

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