Doubling inserts after timeout?

[expired user #7092]'s profile image [expired user #7092] posted 11 years ago in General Permalink
So I'm pretty new to MySQL in general, and even newer to HeidiSQL -- but I've found an issue that I can't seem to solve.

I can connect to my databases fine and edit them through the HeidiSQL GUI just fine. Inserting rows works like a charm... until in the bottom it shows a timeout and says "connection to [site] closed". Once that happens, every time I try to insert a new row into a table, it INSERTs two of the same thing I just entered, instead of one. If I close the connection and reopen it altogether, the problem is no longer there.

Is this an issue on my side? Anything I can do to prevent this?

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 11 years ago Permalink
Are you using the latest build of HeidiSQL? If not, please update and test again.
[expired user #7092]'s profile image [expired user #7092] posted 11 years ago Permalink
Yep, up to date and everything. Still haven't found any new information about it, either.
pzahra's profile image pzahra posted 11 years ago Permalink
Version 8.0 4502
Also does it on Updates which causes warnings.

/* Connecting to #.#.#.# via Percona (TCP/IP), username ****, using password: Yes ... */
/* Connected. Thread-ID: 110200738 */
USE `lbmedia_pbmag`;
INSERT INTO `lbmedia_pbmag`.`pb_category` (`category_name`) VALUES ('Alternative You');
SELECT `category_id`, `category_of`, `category_name` FROM `lbmedia_pbmag`.`pb_category` WHERE `category_id`=5;
SHOW CREATE TABLE `lbmedia_pbmag`.`pb_category`;
INSERT INTO `lbmedia_pbmag`.`pb_category` (`category_name`) VALUES ('Alternative You');
SELECT `category_id`, `category_of`, `category_name` FROM `lbmedia_pbmag`.`pb_category` WHERE `category_id`=5;
SELECT `category_id`, `category_of`, `category_name` FROM `lbmedia_pbmag`.`pb_category` LIMIT 1000;
SHOW CREATE TABLE `lbmedia_pbmag`.`pb_category`;
/* Connection to #.#.#.# closed at 2013-09-03 18:53:45 */
[expired user #4370]'s profile image [expired user #4370] posted 6 years ago Permalink

When there is a similar <pb/> string at the end of the line, it will be displayed as: " < <pb/>"

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