Setting default line break to Unix in tables and/or fields
Is there a way to define the default line break type for fields or tables? Heidi defaults to windows line breaks \r\n, I use unix line breaks. It is tedious to have to manually modify each record to use Unix line breaks.
Code modification/commit
from ansgarbecker,
9 years ago,
Introduce option for setting the line break style in text cells without breaks. See
r4963 adds a new option for setting the default line break style, in Tools > Preferences > "Editor configuration".
This setting defaults to Windows linebreaks. If set to Unix linebreaks for example, HeidiSQL will detect empty text cells or cells without a break as Unix style.
This setting defaults to Windows linebreaks. If set to Unix linebreaks for example, HeidiSQL will detect empty text cells or cells without a break as Unix style.
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