I want to export a result that contains HTML text column. I chose JSON because processing it would be easy. The exported JSON is invalid because the strings are not escaped, e.g. double quotes are unescaped.
JSON exporter does not escape strings
Code modification/commit
from ansgarbecker,
8 years ago,
Escape quotes and stuff in JSON keys and values. See http://www.heidisql.com/forum.php?t=22747
Fixed in r5135
Thanks, I'm now on r5135 and the JSON is valid. However, HTML special chars get entity encoded and thats not needed. JSON strings can contain any Unicode character:
Sorry, should have included an example. I'm referring to a text column that contains HTML text. I want to export a result that contains this HTML text column. See this example. This forum drops HTML tags and entities, so I had to resort to codepad.
Code modification/commit
from ansgarbecker,
8 years ago,
Don't encode html entities but escape quotes in JSON grid export. See http://www.heidisql.com/forum.php?t=22747#p22783
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