MySQL-Front -> HeidiSQL
it's really good to see that MySQL-Front has been born again ;)
however, i'd like to hear a few words about the whole story..
the site says that the product is discontinued, there is no link or whatsoever to this site..
i asked at @freenode#mysql and i was told that MF has been renamed, i finally found it by googling for "formerly MySQL-FRONT"... i was also told that despite the information that is currently present at, MySQL AB actually didn't force anyone to discontinue..
check out this link:
what's the true story then?
is HeidiSQL team the same as MySQL-Front team?
the last MySQL-Front version was 3.2 (i guess), now HeidiSQL is available in version 3.0 which looks just like the MF 2.5.. what happened to the work done on version 3.2 ?
i'm not doing any investigation here, i'm just curious about it, as MySQL-Front has been my favorite MySQL frontend tool.
anyway, guys, you're doing fantastic work, and i really appreciate it!
keep it up!
i asked at @freenode#mysql and i was told that MF has been renamed, i finally found it by googling for "formerly MySQL-FRONT"... i was also told that despite the information that is currently present at, MySQL AB actually didn't force anyone to discontinue..
check out this link:[/quote:9b703edb94]
Believe me, Lenz tells the truth there.
what's the true story then?
is HeidiSQL team the same as MySQL-Front team?
the last MySQL-Front version was 3.2 (i guess), now HeidiSQL is available in version 3.0 which looks just like the MF 2.5..
I hope this gets clear to all people sometime: MySQL-Front 3.2 had absolutely nothing to do neither with MySQL-Front 2.5 nor with HeidiSQL. The author of MySQL-Front 3.2 created a copy of MySQL-Front 2.5 from a graphical point of view, so users often thought it is also based on the source-code of the 2.5 version. Bute believe me: that is not the case, as the sources never went from my own harddisk to anyone else until HeidiSQL was born.
what happened to the work done on version 3.2 ?
As far as I know the author has thrown away his complete work on MySQL-Front 3.2 because he thought with another name than "MySQL-Front" the product has no future, which is absolutely fatal and wrong from my point of view. It was NOT MySQL AB who forced him to do so, as you can read on the blog-link above.
anyway, guys, you're doing fantastic work, and i really appreciate it!
keep it up!
Great to hear that, thanks a lot!
Many thanks for your hard work, and indeed keep it up.
Started using MySQL-Front 2.5 until it was somehow overwritten with the 3.x.
I even used both 2.5 and 3.x next to eachother because 3.x bugfixed almost daily but 2.5 could do things 3.x could not or gave errors on.
I even bought a licence on 3.x.
So if this is continuation of the 2.5, I will be glad to spend the same licence fee on HeidiSQL!
So If I read right, HeidiSQL is continuation of MySQLFront 2.5 team?
Yes. That's correct. Apart from the fact that for MySQL-Front 2.5 there was no "team", but only myself, who developped it.
As they say in English:
There is no "I" in team
we changed or expanded that to:
"But there is a "me" in Team
A one man band, I would have sworn there were more than one on M2.5.
Good job!
Going to download HieidiSQL now and look forward to seeing how it functions compared to the earlier versions.

Fortunately google helped me find HeidiSQL and from what I see it's gonna be a great replacement!
Thanks anse.

Funny detail: i once tried to make a donation (for 2.5), but my money was sent back to me! (had to send it to canada if i remember correctly).
So, yea, great to see the work on 2.5 being continued! You made someone really happy! Keep up the good work guys.

Like siMKin, I tried the 3.2 program out, but I disliked it enough that I uninstalled it and went back to 2.5, as I didn't think 3.2 was worth the money (even at $35.)
I stumbled on HeidiSQL through a Google search about a month ago. Anse, I am so glad that you re-started this project, and I love the improvements that you've made. I especially appreciated the ability to edit data returned from a query; that alone is a big time saver.
As soon as I can transfer some cash to my Paypal account, I'll be sending along a donation. Your program is definitely worth the money! :D
so when the other mysql app emerged did you "stop development" on this, or give permission for the other developer to take the domain and create a copy of your application, or was that something they did all on their own?
.. and when I tried to ask about 2.5 on their forums, my question was deleted and my account was banned.
Exactly the same what I experienced from that guy.

so when the other mysql app emerged did you "stop development" on this, or give permission for the other developer to take the domain and create a copy of your application, or was that something they did all on their own?
The "3.0 guy" only had the license to use the name and to take over the domain, nothing more. No line of code had moved from my harddrive towards this guy. So: yes, he did the 3.0 version completely on his own from the scratch, and it was a graphical clone of the old MySQL-Front.
I always wondered what happened on version 3.0.
MySQL-Front 3.0 was completely taken from the net by the guy who developped it.
Why did you sold the name to such a jerk?
Yes yes yes.... That's a question I asked myself often enough I think. Unfortunately I didn't know the guy good enough before I sold him the name. I'll never do that again, I promise!
He just make the name get dirty. Version 3.0 was really really bad and buggy (with nice german errors). He just made some fast money with the name of such a grate tool. And then, he just pasted some ofensive lies to Mysql Ab. No sense.
I agree totally!
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