PostgreSQL (full) support

[expired user #9398]'s profile image [expired user #9398] posted 9 years ago in Feature discussion Permalink


I've been successfully using HeidiSQL for MySQL/MariaDB servers for a long time now and it has proven to be a great software.

I've been also using PostgreSQL (using it for all my new projects) for some time and I have yet to find any decent software like HeidiSQL but for PostgreSQL. pgAdmin III is ok I guess, but it lacks many of the usability features of HeidiSQL. I know that HeidiSQL supports some features of PostgreSQL, but I guess it was initially written for MySQL in mind.

So, the question is: Does the author intend to put work into transforming HeidiSQL for PostgreSQL as it is now for MySQL? Is there some kind of feature matrix to compare the feature set supported for MySQL and PostgreSQL or a roadmap of features to be implemented for PostgreSQL? I would just love to use HeidiSQL for PostgreSQL as I do now for the MariaDB servers.

Thank you.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 9 years ago Permalink

Does the author intend to put work into transforming HeidiSQL for PostgreSQL as it is now for MySQL?

Definitely not. I am and never was a PostgreSQL expert, and I am even not working with it. I am more a MySQL user, and HeidiSQL was a pure MySQL client most of the time. PostgreSQL support was more a feature wish of users and so I've done that. But I don't have the time to implement much more than what I did for now here. Especially due to the myriad of features in PostgreSQL.

Probably HeidiSQL needs a dedicated contributor for PostgreSQL features, who is capable of Delphi programming as well.

Same goes for support for Microsoft SQL Server in HeidiSQL - it's better than nothing but still a bit lousy.

[expired user #9707]'s profile image [expired user #9707] posted 9 years ago Permalink

The thing is... HeidiSQL is already one of the best PostgreSQL clients out there! I'm more of a Github user but willing to get a Delphi setup running on my end and see how I can help improve PostgreSQL support (and Mac OSX support via Lazarus, although that seems like a potentially bigger project!)

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