Make a donation
HeidiSQL may be used free of charge, but I (Ansgar) do accept and appreciate donations for balancing
- the effort of providing free nightly builds for everyone,
- the time and resources I expend developing it over the years,
- the costs of running a web server, software licenses and certificates,
- and the time I expend troubleshooting individual issues.
Choose one of these payment methods:
Bank transfer to:
Ansgar Becker • DE22 4036 1906 4441 7772 01 • GENODEM1IBB
Please leave your email address in the payment reason, or afterwards.
Postal address: Falkenstr. 10, 48485 Neuenkirchen
- The minimum donation is 10€. PayPal takes percental and static fees for donations.
- If you need an invoice, and for any other question you can .
- As a donor, you ...
- ... will be able to hide the "Donate" buttons in HeidiSQL (>= 10€: for 1 year, >= 50€: unlimited), and
- ... will get a "Donor" icon right besides your username in the forum (if you're a registered forum poster).
- If you donate 100 EUR or more, you have the option to get your name and website url displayed here for 2 years.
Very special thanks to these HeidiSQL users who have contributed 200 EUR or more, in the recent two years:
- Analytic Company GmbH
- NPO Applications GmbH
- Kallisto Consultancy, UK
- Mojam
- Free Navicat GUI | DB Admin, BI and Monitoring Tool
- Walk the City
- Autoreisen Rent a Car
- CREAVO Projekt GmbH
- Starsong Consulting
- Conxulta
- MS-Software GmbH, Essen
- JobLookup Ltd
- Swiss School of Public Health (SSPH+)
- Campoint
- Analytics Simplified Pty Ltd.
- Silvano Rames Giuntoli
- Piksel
- Central Florida Mensa
- Sourcery Software GmbH
Special thanks to these HeidiSQL users who have contributed 100 EUR or more, in the recent two years:
- NetSetMan GmbH
- Ballymaloe Cookery School
- Horuk, Martin Bedrač s.p.
- Sirius Consult AG
- Datatecnix Ltd
- SoSci Survey GmbH
- Papierdrachen
- AKAPLAN Solutions
- MGET, Dr. Mathews K. George
- Jim Schaubeck
- BJSW CZ s.r.o.
- Silverarm
- Thomas Antepoth
- Chalet Fend
- Society for Precision Livestock Farming in Hungary
- Mag. Christoph Zech, MSc.
- Circle Systems
- netzwerk ethik heute