Csv import INSERT IGNORE (duplicates)

BubikolRamios's profile image BubikolRamios posted 9 years ago in Feature discussion Permalink

That option ignores also other errors, obviously. If not selected:

INSERT INTO `test`.`tezaver_place_date` (`term_original`, `cc2`, `place_id`, `micro_location`, `date_observation`, `id_member`, `src`) VALUES ('Acer campestre', 'foo', '22416', 'foo', '17.6.2007', 'foo', 'foo');
/* SQL Error (1364): Field 'id_tezaver' doesn't have a default value */

and it breaks import.

If selected: It imports with no problem, because id_tezaver is filled by before insert trigger.

Should be then changet to INSERT IGNORE (all errors), maybe.

BubikolRamios's profile image BubikolRamios posted 9 years ago Permalink

Hmm, note: 1.There is no horizontal slider at this forum when one writing message 2.Pretty much sure I had "If selected:\r\n It it ..." there and forum eate it (-:

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