Repeated crashes after sleep/wake

charlieo's profile image charlieo posted 8 years ago in General Permalink

This is really becoming frustrating. Nearly 100% of the time, when I wake my laptop from sleep, Heidi crashes upon first action.

I'm a big fan of Heidi and I don't want to look to another solution. Please help.


1 attachment(s):
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 8 years ago Permalink

That's happening somewhere in the code for refreshing the database tree. I assume you clicked the refresh button prior to the crash. I can check that, but it's probably difficult to fix due to the suspend mode, and to the connection which is most probably lost at that time.

charlieo's profile image charlieo posted 8 years ago Permalink

Actually, no it's not usually caused by clicking refresh (although I can confirm that that also will cause a crash) as I don't use that feature too often. The crash most typically happens as soon as I try to execute any kind of query.

Something's definitely changed because this has been my usage pattern for 5 years. The current computer is about 9 months old, so that's the only thing that's new.

[expired user #10883]'s profile image [expired user #10883] posted 8 years ago Permalink

I just recently tried a switch from MySQL Workbench to HeidiSQL. This "crash after wake" (in my case, hibernating) is pretty frustrating behavior. As Charlie notes, it seems to occur with whatever first action you take after waking your PC (I'm on Windows 10).

The only other change I wish existed would be having the query tabs you have open be associated with a single connection (ie they are opened as children to a specific DB connection), rather than floating global across connections - but I suppose I could see others preferring the current behavior if they have common queries they run across multiple DBs.

If we could see this wake/crash bug fixed I'd happily donate $50 (I know that isn't much of an incentive, but maybe better than expecting codefix for nothing?)

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