New Feature: Maintain Panel Size Ratio when moving window

aSystemOverload's profile image aSystemOverload posted 6 years ago in Feature discussion Permalink

Can you implement the above so that when you start to drag a window, Heidi keeps track of what the ratio of panel sizes are, so that when you drop the window, that ratio is re-applied. This must be a ratio, not a size so it works regardless of resolutions of source/destination monitor.

This should apply to the 'DB Tree', 'query panel', 'results panel' and 'log panel'.

aSystemOverload's profile image aSystemOverload posted 6 years ago Permalink

Sorry, just realised I'd already posted my original message in the feature discussion. You can delete this, where is the tracker?-

aSystemOverload's profile image aSystemOverload posted 6 years ago Permalink

Found it, please ignore or delete this. :)

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 6 years ago Permalink

Thanks for your feedback :)

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