Rev 5646: Internal error 126

INMOVES's profile image INMOVES posted 6 years ago in General Permalink

Just (auto)updated to 10.2 rev 5646 and I can't connect to any database anymore. Every connection (direct/tunnel, MySQL/MariaDB) results in a popup saying "Library could not be loaded. Please select a different one. Internal error 126: Can't load specified module" (that last bit is in Dutch).

I'll try to revert back to a previous revision.

INMOVES's profile image INMOVES posted 6 years ago Permalink

Well.. that was strange... It seemed that for some reason the Start Menu link pointed to an heidisql-exe in a temporary directory... After uninstall and reinstall everything works. So other than why this happened in the first place, the original issue is non existant and need no attention.

One thing does seem odd: the entry that is "open" in the connection list when starting HeidiSQL is immediately marked as changed, causing a popup to appear with the question if the changes should be saved. No

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 6 years ago Permalink

That is due to the library setting, which previously was set to an empty item, and now that you have all files in place again to libmariadb.dll, automatically.

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