Storing tab contents

apocs's profile image apocs posted 4 years ago in Feature discussion Permalink

I often have several HeidiSQL's open and this bugs the auto-save of query tabs A LOT!

I wonder if it would be possible to store the tabs under a specific connection ID instead of the generic "/Backups"-folder?

So when I next time connect to it would fetch the saved tabs from /Backups/*

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 4 years ago Permalink

I highly recommend to use one instance/window of HeidiSQL only, if tabs auto-storing is active.

Btw, you can open multiple connections in one window.

apocs's profile image apocs posted 4 years ago Permalink

I'm aware that multiple connections are possible in one instance, but that would be too messy for me. Which is why I suggested this update, that would fix these issues :)

It would enable the use of multiple windows as your routine for looking for backup files only looks in a hostname folder :)

I could also just disable the auto-store feature :)

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 4 years ago Permalink

The idea to store tab contents in a folder named as a host does not work, as any HeidiSQL instance can have multiple hostnames open, anyway if you use that feature or not.

Yes, disabling the auto-store feature would be an alternative.

apocs's profile image apocs posted 4 years ago Permalink

Then use a hash of the open connections :P

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