error when trying to export postgres db

raphael75's profile image raphael75 posted 3 years ago in General Permalink

I'm running HeidiSQL in WINE on Ubuntu 20.04 using KDE. I'm trying to export a postgres database to a sql file using the "Export database to SQL" option. I have checked "Create" for both the table and database, max insert size of 1024, and output to single sql file. I get these errors:

SELECT 'db1' AS "Database", 'my_table' AS "Table", -1 AS "Rows", 0 AS "Duration"; / Unknown datatype oid #705 for "Database". Fall back to UNKNOWN. / / Unknown datatype oid #705 for "Table". Fall back to UNKNOWN. / SHOW CREATE DATABASE "db1"; / ERROR: syntax error at or near "CREATE" LINE 1: SHOW CREATE DATABASE "db1" ^ / /!40101 SET SQL_MODE=IFNULL(@OLD_LOCAL_SQL_MODE, '') /; /!40103 SET TIME_ZONE=IFNULL(@OLD_TIME_ZONE, 'system') /;

I tried both "No data" and "Replace existing data" and got the same error.

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