Out of memory connecting to an SQLite3 file database

timint's profile image timint posted 3 years ago in General Permalink

Hi Ansgar. I am trying to open SQListe3 file databases but I recceive the error "SQL-error(7): Out of memory". Running HeidiSQL The database file opens fine in Valentina Studio.

I know from previously that the SQLite3 support in HeidiSQL is very poor. For example setting a creating a table structure with HeidiSQL just doesn't work. Is it intended to be fully supported or more of a proof of concept?

I created a dummy database but the forum won't accept my sqlite or zip file. Let me know if you want it sent to you.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

It's definitely more than a proof of concept, but also lacks a few data types and SQL clauses. Also, some places in HeidiSQL are more MySQL/MariaDB based and may fail with SQL queries which are not compatible in SQLite.

However, if you have errors in the table editor, you should post them to the bugtracker.

That memory error should also be posted in the tracker, which allows to attach zip's and other files.

timint's profile image timint posted 3 years ago Permalink

I created a bunch of reports for things that were broken for SQLite. I tried to be as helpful as I could. :)

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