6509 build. seriousl problem

Mitchell Lee's profile image Mitchell Lee posted 3 years ago in General Permalink
  • Backspace/arrow/delete key not working/no response in editor. but normal typing only working.
  • keep searching the library. Description what r u doing in these days?
Mitchell Lee's profile image Mitchell Lee posted 3 years ago Permalink

Reinstalling solv the library problem. but key input problem still.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

Can confirm the input issues. Will check that after work.

Please note you are using the nightly builds on your own risk.

Mitchell Lee's profile image Mitchell Lee posted 3 years ago Permalink

This problem in the 6509. need to fix.

  • Backspace/arrow/delete key not working/no response in editor. but normal typing only working.
TTSneko's profile image TTSneko posted 3 years ago Permalink

This problem in the 6509. need to fix.

  • Backspace/arrow/delete key not working/no response in editor. but normal typing only working.

Anse confirmed the issue and told you he'd chack. Also he pointed out that NIGHTLY builds are used at own risk. So why the freck did you repeat your initial whine AGAIN? "need to fix", my foot. Even if you paid for the software (which I doubt) it would not give you the right to be pushy like that.

Mitchell Lee's profile image Mitchell Lee posted 3 years ago Permalink
  • There is no way provides to rollback to previous version. but very early version which defect. (and even nightly build, there is auto update way without user agreement.)

  • As you do the pushy thing to me as 3rd person at your own view, I also can do the same thing to the person who ruin my work time and task and stress.

  • Term 'Freeware' does not mean have right to ruin users time or give stress that waste(to recover previous version or lost source or damaged db by wrong behavior of Heidi which came from the programmer.)

  • 'Freeware' doesn't mean that can ruin itself anytime the maintainer want. Once a software came part of open source community, there is duty to maintaining the society calm with stable.

  • This software not purely provides for free since ansger keep trying to earn money by using Google ADsense and donation system by pushy impression by donation banners and injected advertising links. As you can see that Advertisement popup everywhere when user click some links in these days. (he might better to decide move to app store with features if might helps him. like.. basic function for free and extension features on the store)

  • Also have will to donate to ansger since there is no app beat heidiSQL at this moment since all the concept and features that extremely high efficient. BUT not with current status with all that crashs all the time(FYI, he have done great job for 20years so far. I respect him and contributors.)

  • hiediSQL's fundamental value now is so ruined that editor crash and unknown crashed which essence of normal db job to edit sql and also not fixed by raising issues. seems simply ignored that voice of user. You look into the status overall in the board and bugtracker.

  • More importantly, this is not the 3rd person(you TTSneko) matter. DO NOT get interrupt the maintainer and a user(me) matter. if there is problem Ansger will claim to me.(and me might claim to him again until he get alert the situation)

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

Again, please use the nightly builds with caution. Reinstall the last release installer if you want to downgrade, and don't install builds from the update checks.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

See issue #1600 for details

TTSneko's profile image TTSneko posted 3 years ago Permalink

@Mitchell Lee

You are breaking your own neck. DEMANDING that a software provider whatsoever would take YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to both backup and ensure a rollback shows how outright arrogant and dumb you are. Backups are the backbone of EVERY kind of computer work. If YOU do not backup, it's YOUR fault. Also, if you use NIGHTLY (alias BETA) builds, it's YOUR responsibility to either create a side-by-side environment (e.g via a VM) or use them on detached desktops. It's common knowledge, just like that one does not jump off a bridge even if there is no sign warning you to do so. Your "but my work was disrupted" whinery is pathetic.

And of course you don't like being confronted with comments like mine. Of course not, nobody likes to be called dumb. However ... whose fault is it? You behave as if you own the place, issue DEMANDS and even dish out wannabe THREATS in form of "I will not donate if you don't do xyz ASAP" even if it is obvious that YOU screwed up, not HeidiSQL or Anse.

You are nothing more than a pathetic freeloader, and a stupid one to boot.

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