Ziggi's profile image Ziggi posted 2 years ago in General Permalink


This is just the suggestion.

When we load a table view, records appear in their regular order, which is normally ascending by auto-incremented primary key, so - this is ascending order by PK.

If I click on the "ID" column title bar once - I get records AGAIN sorted in the ascending order, so I get the very same view, but I have to wait for it, what is troublesome in case of larger tables.

Only if I click the "ID" column title bar second time, I get the records in the reversed order (sorted descending).

My proposition is:

To make descending sort order being presented immediately after the first click and ascending order only after second click.

That would make more sense in the vast majority of cases, imho.

Description Description Description

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

Did you see the "Sorting" button/dialog at the top right?


Ziggi's profile image Ziggi posted 2 years ago Permalink

Unfortunately, your suggestion results in a poor UX experience:


It takes at least 4 clicks to use this "sorting widget":

  1. open widget,
  2. add column(s),
  3. select descending sort,
  4. confirm

It would be much more convenient if the first sort order after clicking a column title bar was descending rather than ascending order.

Rgs, Ziggi

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

Yes, that might be true. I just felt I should not leave that unmentioned.

Maybe I should turn the logic behind the header clicks, so that descending is done through the first click, and ascending by the second one.

Code modification/commit d262a6a from Ansgar Becker <>, 2 years ago, revision
Switch sorting order on data grid header clicks, so the first click makes it descending now, second one ascending. See
Ziggi's profile image Ziggi posted 2 years ago Permalink

@ansgar - I appreciate your reflective attitude. I believe my suggestion is well-grounded.

Rgs, Ziggi

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

Please try the latest build, it has the sorting by click reversed now.

boily's profile image boily posted 2 years ago Permalink

@ansgar, this is a very nice change. For numeric colomns it is exactly what i expected. At 90% cases we want to see the greatest value first (DESC) But i thing that is hardly the case for alphatext columns. I think that it is hardly the case when sorting "last name" columns that i want to see them in descending order. Would it be possible to distinguish the 2 types? Thank you for your escellent work. Roger

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

I think that reversed sorting is anyway uncommon, so I tend to revert my modification. Distinguishing between different data types is not intuitive, I already hear other users shouting.

boily's profile image boily posted 2 years ago Permalink

Oh i understand and agree with you, it's not intuitive. But i still love this DESC on numeric field. Just some other suggestions:

  • Maybe a double click could sort by DESC.
  • Or maybe it could be setup in preferences, maintaining the numeric and text column separated. Thanks again Roger
Code modification/commit dde9615 from Ansgar Becker <>, 2 years ago, revision
Find a better alternative to d262a6acc920083e0728c324a968f83f11f263b7 : set descending column order on first header click when shift key is pressed . See
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

Next build starts with descending sorting on Shift + click. A normal click still starts with ascending order.

boily's profile image boily posted 2 years ago Permalink

This is a very good idea! Well done !

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