Altering table engine ARIA => InnoDB faulty

Berthold's profile image Berthold posted 2 years ago in General Permalink


just a notice for possible improvements:

When doing an ALTER TABLE DB.table ENGINE InnoDB;

on an ARIA table it fails with / SQL-Error (1005): Can't create table DB.table (errno: 140 "Wrong create options") /

because of the ROW_FORMAT=PAGE

in the ARIA table.

Removing this by hand solved the problem.

Berthold's profile image Berthold posted 2 years ago Permalink

Checked with HeidySQL 12.4.0 / Windows.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

For me that worked without errors in HeidiSQL's table designer.

Created the table:



ALTER TABLE `aria_1`

Please watch out for the row format dropdown in the "Options" tab of the table desigenr.

Berthold's profile image Berthold posted 6 months ago Permalink

Hi again

that behavior appears - even in current version - with Mass-Table-Editor. There is no way to select the row_format.

When changing the engine of a single table by options tab the field is sometimes grey. When submitting that, the ALTER TABLE … ENGINE=InnoDB ROW_FORMAT=; always fails because of the empty ROW_FORMAT-value. Wouldn’t it be better to always skip empty table options?

Greetings from Münster

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 6 months ago Permalink

Yes, the bulk table editor does not offer to pass additional clauses to the ALTER code. Should there probably be some textbox for free editing, and HeidiSQL just appends that to the end of the ALTER code?

Awesome to hear from Münster here. Greetings from 40km away (Neuenkirchen) ;)

Berthold's profile image Berthold posted 6 months ago Permalink

I think, the first and most important step would be the preventing of sending incorrect SQL to the server in the bulk table editor. The empty ROW_FORMAT flag should always be the old value if possible, "default" or eliminated completely.

After that a free form field for additional settings would be nice to have.

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