Ability to drag and drop move session

acosonic's profile image acosonic posted 1 year ago in Import/Export Permalink

Is there a way to drag and drop session into folder?

reddig.hamburg's profile image reddig.hamburg posted 7 months ago Permalink

The documentation sais it is possible

You can organize your stored sessions in folders. To create a folder, click the dropdown arrow on the "New" button, then click "Folder in root folder" or "Folder in selected folder". Once you have a folder, you can create connections in it, or drag existing connections into that folder.

However, I found that functionality broken in my version as well. I can drag a connection, but it isn't moved upon dropping it.

The only chance currently seems to be a bit of a workaround:

  • export the settings to a .txt file (bottom right "more")
  • search and replace your connection path/name with the new desired one
  • import the modified settings again

It may happen, that the session is duplicated then, as HeidiSQL seems to keep existing sessions though (which is a quite good idea that prevents accidentially deleting all connections) and you may want to delete the "old" connection after testing the "new" one

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