Self Join Query - Emmanuel Katto

emmanuelkatto's profile image emmanuelkatto posted 11 months ago in General Permalink


I am Emmanuel Katto from UK. Can someone tell me is SELF JOIN an INNER JOIN or OUTER JOIN?

Thanks! Emmanuel

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 11 months ago Permalink

Never heard of SELF JOIN in MySQL or MariaDB. I'm nearly sure it does not exist. So where did you see it?

TTSneko's profile image TTSneko posted 11 months ago Permalink


There are four main types of JOINs in SQL: INNER JOIN, OUTER JOIN, CROSS JOIN, and SELF JOIN which (in itself) already implies that a SELF JOIN is none of the others. With other words it operates on one table only, hence there is no intersection (the defining element of an INNER or OUTER join).

Kcko's profile image Kcko posted 10 months ago Permalink


I am Emmanuel Katto from UK. Can someone tell me is SELF JOIN an INNER JOIN or OUTER JOIN?

Thanks! Emmanuel

This forum is mostly about the HEIDI SQL product, try to find any tutorial with google help, there is a lot of it everywhere.

emmanuelkatto's profile image emmanuelkatto posted 9 months ago Permalink

Thanks @TTSneko for the answer.

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