Crashing when VPN is not reconnected

acosonic's profile image acosonic posted 8 months ago in General Permalink


I am using heidisql on Ubuntu Linux, and this problem is old, like:

that old, and I can confirm it was crashing on old versions.

I have run it via command line wine heidisql.exe but nothing happens just Wine offering force close or wait, but when wait is choosen nothing happens, unless same connection reconnects very quickly.

I understand that those are socket connections, perhaps some dialog should pop-out or maybe kill socket connection and retry connecting?

Attached is log dump of simulated crash...

wine.log is generated by: WINEDEBUG=+err,+warn,+winsock wine heidisql.exe > wine.log 2>&1 and the other file is what was displayed in console during that time.

2 attachment(s):

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