MariaDB still bundles old HeidiSQL

Tony G's profile image Tony G posted 5 months ago in General Permalink

I posted other notes in the GitHub tracker so this is just a FYI.

I created Jira ticket to request an update of their bundled version of HeidiSQL to v12.8.

Info about why that request was made is in the HeidiSQL GitHub issue #1917 .

Bottom line for users here: The old version of Heidi in the current MariaDB doesn't allow selection of the correct collation sequence. This could result in weird anomalies in sorting and filtering that could be tough to diagnose.


( Sorry about above formatting - I'm new to the forum and I can't post actual links yet. )

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 5 months ago Permalink

Thanks a lot for reporting. Good find!

I just fixed your links above.

I think the Jira ticket is the right way to report that. I am already watching it for updates. I'm very happy MariaDB still bundles HeidiSQL, but of course the version should be more in sync with the current release.

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