Log error, invalid characters

cleverpg's profile image cleverpg posted 4 months ago in General Permalink

Hello, when I run a large SQL script, in the example of more than 1020 lines, it bugs the log and shows strange characters, when this happens, it even bugs the entire previous log/history. It does not affect the use, but it bugs the log. Thank you for your attention.

![image description]

1 attachment(s):
  • heidi-visual-error-log
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 4 months ago Permalink

@cleverpg can you determine the exact character which seems to cause that?

Or, provide a dump file (without sensitive data).

That way I could reproduce and probably fix it.

cleverpg's profile image cleverpg posted 2 months ago Permalink

Hello, I didn't identify a specific character, the problem occurs with long scripts, I prepared a very long script_bug_test.sql Since the files are large, I am sending the link to them, one is 2 MB, the other 4 MB. Thank you for your attention and I apologize for the delay in getting back to you Thank you 1drv.ms/u/s!Ama23X4lXlJ8h4ZCrPRbdatk20qSIA?e=wFMWlR 1drv.ms/u/s!Ama23X4lXlJ8h4ZDquaPh4fklrY5yg?e=RtfGez

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