Newbie. Cannot log on. Consistent 10060 error. Please help.

luvheidi's profile image luvheidi posted 3 months ago in General Permalink

I've been invited to work on a project and I am unable to log on; I consistently get the same 10060 error indicating it is a connection matter. Yes, I have a static IP and the username and pw are correct. I'm on Windows 10 Pro.

Thus far, I have:

  1. turned off the firewall
  2. opened port 3306, in both in and outbound
  3. allowed program, HeidiSQL in both in and outbound
  4. allowed TCP, all, for both inbound and outbound

What else should I try? Anyone who can assist, thank you in advance.


ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 months ago Permalink

Is the message saying "can't connect" or similar? Here's a similar thread, solved by using a VPN.

luvheidi's profile image luvheidi posted 3 months ago Permalink

Yes, the Session Manager error reads "Can't connect to server on xxxx (10060). I don't see a link to a thread in your message; I didn't find anything regarding VPN earlier. I will look again. Thank you.

luvheidi's profile image luvheidi posted 3 months ago Permalink

Pardon me. I didn't notice your embedded link at first. I read the old thread and indeed, I am using a static IP; I shall review the other matter regarding the config on MySQL. Thank you.

luvheidi's profile image luvheidi posted 3 months ago Permalink

Still unable. Appreciate any further guidance.

I'm new to this, pardon the questions. I was invited to join a project; do I need MySQL installed on my local machine? I was not informed about the matter; I was advised to only install HeidiSQL & "just sign in" with the given credentials. I furnished my static IP.

Let me know if I need to add anything else.

Thank you

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 months ago Permalink

Did the credentials you got include a hostname or IP address? If yes, does it point to some server outside your private network?

If the credentials contain a note about localhost or, then you indeed have to install a local MySQL server.

As a side note: IPs like or beginning with 192.168. or 10. indicate a local network address.

luvheidi's profile image luvheidi posted 3 months ago Permalink

Yes, I have a hostname and it is outside of my private network. Peer participants advised they were able to log without MySQL so it appears it is either my VPN's static IP or a config matter for my logon on the host side.

I was able to ping the server without any losses so it may not be a connection issue but rather, a credentials matter. I am working on it with the admin.

Thank you.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 months ago Permalink

Watch out for the port you are using in heidisql. By default it should be 3306 but it may be configured differentky.

luvheidi's profile image luvheidi posted 3 months ago Permalink

I'm in. All set. It was my credentials on the server side. Thanks.

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