How to connect to default SQL Server installation ?

TimothyMadden's profile image TimothyMadden posted 2 months ago in Creating a connection Permalink


I have a new installation of SQL Server Developer edition, and nothing I tried has worked to connect with HeidiSQL to my server.

So I do not know the right settings to connect, but I can connect easily using the native SSMS tool (SQL Server Management Studio).

Is it possible for HeidiSQL to pre-fill the expected connection settings that would just work with the default installation of SQL Server please ?

Since I do not have ports 1433 or 1433 open (using netstat command), I assume the right protocol is to use Named Pipes. But HeidiSQL still says Server doesn't support requested protocol (0xFFFFFFFF)

I know I need to use Windows Authentication and I need to "Trust Server Certificate", but the SSL tab in the Connection windows in HeidiSQL is disabled, I can not even enable SSL ... !!!

Can anyone please help me connect to a local installation for SQL Server Developer edition ?

Here is what I tried (my "best match") for connection settings in HeidiSQL:

image.png and the resulting error: image.png

Here is the connection window in the native SSMS tool (these are the settings that are known to work): image.png image.png

-- Thank you, Timothy Madden

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 months ago Permalink

You may try to use the other library SQLOLEDB (where you have MSOLEDBSQL selected). SQLOLEDB is outdated and insecure, but probably helps you with a hint what is happening here.

TimothyMadden's profile image TimothyMadden posted 2 months ago Permalink


Thank you, using the other library worked as intended.

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