From Revision, 22 nov 2024 Inserting a new row from data tab into a table with identity column returns error even if the IDENTITY_INSERT property is already on.
Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table when IDENTITY_INSERT is OFF.
You say the IDENTITY_INSERT property is already on, but the message clearly says the opposite.
I apologize, my English lacks, I wrote something wrong I'll try to explain myself better by giving an example
Actually, from "Data" tab of a table, if I use "Insert Row" and leave NULL as the value is ok, a new row is created and identity column is automatically populated ( value is visible after refresh ).
But if I choose "Duplicate row with keys" or "Duplicate row without keys" fails, whether I delete the contents of the field or not
Previously, I could do this by clearing the contents of the field before confirming the row, while now it seems that Heidi tries to assign the field empty ( not NULL ) and this fails because IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF ( correctly )
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