Multiple foreign key reference in a single field

[expired user #4788]'s profile image [expired user #4788] posted 15 years ago in General Permalink
Hi Dudes,

I need to have a foreign key field that should refer from two tables. for an example,

1 a_id primary key,
2 name

1 b_id primary key,
2 name

1 c_id
2 name
3 key_id (i.e, it should be foreign key from either table_a or table_b. it may have value of either table_a's id or table_b's id

Can any one of u help me to get this script to create table.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 15 years ago Permalink
I don't think that's possible with an InnoDB hardcoded foreign key. There is no way to enter "table_a.a_id OR table_b.b_id" in a CREATE TABLE statement. Of course, you can do logic on your own, without InnoDB and real foreign keys.

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