Be aware that the first version will most probably have some new bugs in it - please post them here if you find any. And certainly it will be a pre-release. Further the used ZeosLib 6.5.1 has alpha-status at the moment, and the ZeosLib-Project-Management seems to have problems in finding good developers. So, if you're a Delphi-Freak, please support ZeosLib! ZeosLib is a great "database-driver" for delphi, kylix, cbuilder and lazarus, which connects to nearly all popular database-servers.
From :
For now we need more development power. Everyone in the forum could see that. Because of that we decieded to start a "recruitment" in order to strengthen our development team. And what we need are developers that are ready to identify themselves with ZeosLib and seriously interested in ZeosLib development to improve and maintain our product. What we need most at the moment are developers who are able to care about the plain database driver support which is directly connected to the zdbc layer. Furthermore we need reinforcement to do the Lazarus support.