Heidi displays an incorrect MySQL-Version in the statusbar. See http://plasm.elemental-fusion.de/mysqlversion.gif
This happens when Heidi automatically restores the last session. The displayed version (5.5.12) is the version from the connection that is on bottom of the server-list. I guess, Heidi refreshes the statusbar at every server that is restored, so the last one remains in the statusbar. The currently active connection is the first one from list (with 4.1.12) since it was active when i closed Heidi the last time.
After switching to another connection and back the displayed version is correct.
Shown MySQL-Version incorrect
Code modification/commit
from ansgar.becker,
14 years ago,
Repaint server version panel when focused tree node has changed, not from within the OnConnect event. Fixes wrong version display when auto-connecting to multiple servers. See http://www.heidisql.com/forum.php?t=8600
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