Can HeidiSQL open a local "Mysql" database file (not server)

BigMat's profile image BigMat posted 11 years ago in General Permalink

I have a local mysql DB file that I want to open. I don't have any mysql server running, just a DB file.
When I open HeidiSQL, I seem to only be able to connect to a DB server.


ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 11 years ago Permalink
No, HeidiSQL can connect to servers only. I never came across a tool which reads out .myd files, apart from the mysql server itself.
BigMat's profile image BigMat posted 11 years ago Permalink
these software exist, I found a few quite easily, for instance "SQL Maestro".
But since I only need to run a few queries and then extract the result in CSV, it didn't justify the cost of a licence. So I'm looking for a freeware.

Thanks for your prompt reply.


ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 11 years ago Permalink
You could install a mysql server and place your files in some test database directory, and then connect via HeidiSQL.
BigMat's profile image BigMat posted 11 years ago Permalink
Thanks for the suggestion, I think this is overkill for what I need to do, I'll try to find another solution.

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