/* ERROR: function pg_postmaster_start_time() does not exist
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You may need to add explicit type casts. */
SET SCHEMA 'mySchema';
/* ERROR: syntax error at or near "'mySchema'"
LINE 1: SET SCHEMA 'mySchema'
SELECT *, NULL AS data_length, pg_relation_size(QUOTE_IDENT(t.TABLE_SCHEMA) || '.' || QUOTE_IDENT(t.TABLE_NAME)) AS index_length, c.reltuples, obj_description(c.oid) AS comment FROM "information_schema"."tables" AS t LEFT JOIN "pg_namespace" n ON t.table_schema = n.nspname LEFT JOIN "pg_class" c ON n.oid = c.relnamespace AND c.relname=t.table_name WHERE t."table_schema"='cricket';
/* ERROR: function pg_relation_size(text) does not exist
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You may need to add explicit type casts. */
I'm still doing some research, but it seems that PostgreSQL 7.4 does not support the SET SCHEMA syntax. As a possible work-around, I found the following information:
(taken from
"SET SCHEMA 'value' is an alias for SET search_path TO value. Only one schema can be specified using this syntax."
So perhaps you could change the
SET SCHEMA 'mySchema';
call to
SET search_path TO 'mySchema';
I'll provide some more details as I come across them. Thanks.