CyberArk integration with HeidiSQL Client

bozhidarkostov's profile image bozhidarkostov posted 4 years ago in Creating a connection Permalink

Hi all,

I am trying to integrate our CARK solution with HeidiSQL. The way how CARK calls the client is via command line and what we noticed is that -db and --databases parameter is not working. When we set something for this parameter is not taken in consideration.

Any help is much appreciated!

BR, Bobby

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 4 years ago Permalink

What did you pass in that -db or --databases parameter? And how did you see it does not work?

bozhidarkostov's profile image bozhidarkostov posted 4 years ago Permalink


I am passing for example: .\heidisql.exe -n=8 -h="hostname" -u=user -p=password -P=1111 -db=testdb

What I see after this is


where I expect to see the exact testdb. I know is not working because when I set the very same parameters via the UI everything is there and works correctly.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 4 years ago Permalink

For me that works here.

I highly guess you're not on the latest build. I added that db/databases command line support in last April. Please update to the latest build (Help > Check for updates) and try again.

See issue #977 and my commit:f2c6bb713a3898fb1b20e5da2c07b7117831cc3f

bozhidarkostov's profile image bozhidarkostov posted 4 years ago Permalink

Hi Ansgar,

yep it works now, it turned out that the last build in the download section was from Release date: 17 Mar 2020. And the db parameter was introduced on 9th of April. So I downloaded the last Nightly Build and it worked.


BR, Bobby

bozhidarkostov's profile image bozhidarkostov posted 4 years ago Permalink

And forgot to ask. As the version from 17 Mar 2020 seems to be the last stable version available and this version don't have the -db parameter added, when is expected a new stable version to be available which includes the -db par added? I am asking because we are going to use this in prod and the Nightly Builds have a disclaimer which states that might have serious bugs in them.

What is the most stable build which includes the -db parameter added?

BR, Bobby

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 4 years ago Permalink

That -db is not yet in a stable release, only in the latest builds. I am working on the next release currently. My plan was to have it released already, but issue #1107 decided to be nasty so I am still working on it.

bozhidarkostov's profile image bozhidarkostov posted 4 years ago Permalink

Hi Ansgar,

I hope you are doing well! I just wanted to check if you plan to release a new stable version which includes the --db parameter in near future?

BR, Bobby

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 4 years ago Permalink

Yes I am still planning to release a next stable release :) Only there's so much unrelated stuff here currently. Business issues and private stuff take more time than normally. Sorry for the delay. But I have that in mind.

bozhidarkostov's profile image bozhidarkostov posted 4 years ago Permalink

Thanks and good luck :)

bozhidarkostov's profile image bozhidarkostov posted 4 years ago Permalink

I just had conversation with the management and seems that we have to take a decision what we going to do. May I ask you if the new release will be available in the next 30 days, so we can plan further how to procced, since this is a bit critical on our site?

Have a nice day!

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 4 years ago Permalink

I am already much too late with the release, so I should not make promises I can't keep. But let me say it's a pain for me as well, getting feedback about bugs I fixed several months ago. I like to have a new release in less than 2 or 3 weeks.

bozhidarkostov's profile image bozhidarkostov posted 4 years ago Permalink

Hi Ansgar,

thanks for the reply! I am looking forward for the release.

Have a great rest of the week!

BR, Bobby

bozhidarkostov's profile image bozhidarkostov posted 4 years ago Permalink

Hi Ansgar,

thanks for the new release, it seems now I am able to parse the -db parameter via command line in this stable version for a single database. What I am facing now as an issue is when multiple databases are specified in the parameter or in the client itself separated with semicolon this results in error that the databases doesn't exist which is not true because when specified one by one the client connect to them.

this is a screenshot from the client with two databases specified (separated by semicolon) and the error: Description

Client version: (64 Bit)

Can you advise?

BR, Bobby

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 4 years ago Permalink

Please note in PostgreSQL mode the field is named "Database", not "Databases". This must be a single database as it is used in the internal call to PQconnectdb, like documented here:

bozhidarkostov's profile image bozhidarkostov posted 4 years ago Permalink


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