I connect my database on HeidiSQL with a Flask Python application

ludarc's profile image ludarc posted 4 years ago in Creating a connection Permalink

I tried some python libraries but I'm having trouble connecting my bank that is on Heidi in my application. Never works. I thought about migrating to another db, but I didn't want that. Could someone teach me how I connect my database on Heidi to Flask-Python?

ludarc's profile image ludarc posted 4 years ago Permalink

Connect my HeidSQL database to a Flask-Python application*

the title is wrong. The translator changed the meaning

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 4 years ago Permalink

HeidiSQL is just a client, not a database.

You should at least know which database system you want to connect to. Is it MySQL or MariaDB perhaps?

ludarc's profile image ludarc posted 4 years ago Permalink

It's MySQL, i know that. I alredy done.

ludarc's profile image ludarc posted 4 years ago Permalink

The problem was different and I understood and solved it. I am sorry for bothering you.

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