I started to export a large table from one dB to another one and realised that there was a limit of 953251 records while my table has 1.6million records, so I tried to cancel but the message is "waiting for the current object to finish", so the load is just continuing. Please fix this as it takes a while to load that many records on a remote server and I don't want to risk corrupting the table by killing the process.
cancel export of table does not work
Quick update on this issue: I didn't realize that the limit was "at a time". Apparently it does proceed beyond 953251 records. At the end of the process, the number of records was the same in both tables but the size was 55MB smaller for the target table.
I tried the export process a second time without cancelling, the result is the same.
What could explain this difference in table size? How can I find out where the table have a difference in contents?
Thanks, Gaetano.
The reported table size HeidiSQL displays is taken from a SHOW TABLE STATUS
query, and is not very reliable. Especially for just created tables MySQL/MariaDB processes stuff in the background which are not yet visible. So I'd recommend to use a SELECT COUNT(*)
for validation.
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