Grid Editing error

[expired user #7459]'s profile image [expired user #7459] posted 11 years ago in Running SQL scripts Permalink
When running code similar to this one

select *
from employee
where technician_no = '12345';

I get a table with my selected items. No surprises so far - but if I try editing any of the fields, I get a

Grid Editing error
Could not find table or view mydatabase.employee.
Please refresh database tree.

How come?
[expired user #7542]'s profile image [expired user #7542] posted 11 years ago Permalink
I'm having same issue always happening when returning record from select and double clicking in any grid cell

[Window Title]

[Main Instruction]
Grid editing error

Could not find table or view Inventory.tblGlTransactions. Please refresh database tree.


Find some help on this error

When running code similar to this one

select *
from employee
where technician_no = '12345';

I get a table with my selected items. No surprises so far - but if I try editing any of the fields, I get a

Grid Editing error
Could not find table or view mydatabase.employee.
Please refresh database tree.

How come?

When running code similar to this one

select *
from employee
where technician_no = '12345';

I get a table with my selected items. No surprises so far - but if I try editing any of the fields, I get a

Grid Editing error
Could not find table or view mydatabase.employee.
Please refresh database tree.

How come?

[expired user #9481]'s profile image [expired user #9481] posted 9 years ago Permalink

I have just started using Heidi SQL and have hit this problem using SQL Server. 2 years with no response though makes me wonder if I have selected the wrong product.

Does anyone have a solution to this problem?

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 9 years ago Permalink

I just made a quick test, not getting that error. I was firing this query within msdb:

select * from autoadmin_task_agents
[expired user #9481]'s profile image [expired user #9481] posted 9 years ago Permalink

I am still getting that error when double-clicking in a cell on a simple query like select * from applications (see attachment)

Do you need any more details to help track down this error?

1 attachment(s):
  • grideditingerror
[expired user #9658]'s profile image [expired user #9658] posted 9 years ago Permalink

Hi @ansgar,

I also facing this same problem. Really hope that you can help fix this.

I think the problem came from the OWNERS of table in Database. Please refer attachment below.

You can see that the full schema is:


In this IJPNCMN database, I'm using IJPN as owner of table staff_session. The "Grid editing error" shows that MISSING owners of IJPN in this case. Which is i assume that it looking for .dbo as default owner of the table.


I'm using MSSQL Server 2008 R2. Hope this helps. :)

2 attachment(s):
  • heidisql1
  • heidisql2
internetocean's profile image internetocean posted 8 years ago Permalink

Just bumped onto this one.

Server: Microsoft SQL Server Standard (64-bit) 12.0.2000.8 Heidi: (64bit) Client: Win 10 x64


SELECT * FROM dbo.TableName where Column=123

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