Not able to connect to MariaDB

Conway's profile image Conway posted 4 months ago in Creating a connection Permalink

Howdy! Hope everyone is well.

I am trying to use Heidi to connect to my server that I have setup on a linux machine.

However, when I go to connect to the server, I am getting a connection error (10061). The MySQL user that I am trying to connect with has all permissions and allows connections from anywhere (using "%"), and the linux machine itself has the 3306 port opened on it.

I used to use phpMyAdmin with no issue, however, I have a preference towards Heidi as I have used it before in the past, and loved it.

One this I would like to note is that on the linux machine itself, password login is disabled and only SSH keys can be used. I don't think this should affect me trying to connect to MariaDB (especially considering that I used phpMyAdmin in the past), but I figured I should point it out.

I appreciate any help in advance, and if any further info is needed, I'd be happy to provide.

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