[ERROR] Insert SQL functions & inline editing

[expired user #7510]'s profile image [expired user #7510] posted 11 years ago in General Permalink
On the picture below you see the problem. This problem came out since one of the 8.1 updates. I tought it will be solved in the 8.2 version of HeidiSQL but doesn't. I post bugreport too below.

date/time          : 2013-12-20, 09:35:16, 790ms
computer name      : KOTROCZO-MATE
user name          : kotroczo-mate <admin>
registered owner   : RedStone
operating system   : Windows 7 x64 Service Pack 1 build 7601
system language    : Hungarian
system up time     : 1 hour 22 minutes
program up time    : 1 minute 22 seconds
processors         : 4x Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2350M CPU @ 2.30GHz
physical memory    : 245/3993 MB (free/total)
free disk space    : (C:) 13,61 GB
display mode       : 1920x1080, 32 bit
process id         : $1134
allocated memory   : 90,56 MB
largest free block : 8181,53 GB
command line       : "C:\totalcmd\TOOLS\HeidiSQL\heidisql.exe" -d="Webshop DEV"
executable         : heidisql.exe
exec. date/time    : 2013-12-20 09:33
version            :
compiled with      : Delphi XE5
madExcept version  :
callstack crc      : $dbbc1488, $11cca317, $11cca317
exception number   : 5
exception class    : EAccessViolation
exception message  : Access violation at address 00000000006C9139 in module 'heidisql.exe'. Read of address FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
main thread ($23c0):
006c9139 heidisql.exe Vcl.StdCtrls          TCustomComboBox.KeyDown
0069d3ab heidisql.exe Vcl.Controls          TWinControl.DoKeyDown
006c79fc heidisql.exe Vcl.StdCtrls          TCustomCombo.ComboWndProc
006ca26f heidisql.exe Vcl.StdCtrls          TCustomComboBox.ComboWndProc
006c764d heidisql.exe Vcl.StdCtrls          TCustomCombo.EditWndProc
005da433 heidisql.exe System.Classes        StdWndProc
76d898d5 USER32.dll                         DispatchMessageW
00812a4f heidisql.exe Vcl.Forms             TApplication.ProcessMessage
00812ac3 heidisql.exe Vcl.Forms             TApplication.HandleMessage
00812faf heidisql.exe Vcl.Forms             TApplication.Run
00c36857 heidisql.exe heidisql       77 +24 initialization
76e8652b kernel32.dll                       BaseThreadInitThunk
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 11 years ago Permalink
See issue #3461.
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 10 years ago Permalink
Fixed in r4948
[expired user #7510]'s profile image [expired user #7510] posted 10 years ago Permalink
Not fixed! You can not insert sql function. You are able to write your code but Enter (apply) doesn't work!
1 attachment(s):
  • sql_function_insert_issue
[expired user #7510]'s profile image [expired user #7510] posted 10 years ago Permalink
1.) Select field.
2.) Right click "Insert value" > "SQL function" (or Ctrl F2)
3.) Type: "SHA1('newpassword')" (without quotes)
4.) Press Enter
5.) Enter does nothing.
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 10 years ago Permalink
The crash is fixed. You are describing a different thing. Of course this is not optimal, as you're now forced to use the mouse to leave such fields, but this is way better than a application crash.

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