the latest (8 3 0 4766) version seems to have issues with comments (--) in the query window:
If you have 2 'commands' in a query window and one of them is commented out (and the comment -- is not separated from the command by at least one space) it is shown as commented (grayed out), yet it is still being executed
The underlying SynEdit highlighter has a small gitch here. Two dashes must be followed by a space in order to be a comment: "-- ". If there is no space, then it's not a comment, and MySQL takes it as part of the query.
SynEdit, however, displays also two dashes without the following space as comments. This is an error I've ever wanted to submit to their bugtracker. I'll see if it probably was reported before.
SynEdit, however, displays also two dashes without the following space as comments. This is an error I've ever wanted to submit to their bugtracker. I'll see if it probably was reported before.
Oh, I have already filed it as a bugreport, 4 years ago...
Code modification/commit
from ansgar.becker,
10 years ago,
Try to fix SynEdit's double minus comment bug. http://www.heidisql.com/forum.php?t=15621
Code modification/commit
from ansgar.becker,
10 years ago,
Last required addition to the double minus comment bugfix. http://www.heidisql.com/forum.php?t=15621
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