Something keeps pasting the database name in to the SQL editor

JAB Creations's profile image JAB Creations posted 3 days ago in General Permalink

Something in HeidiSQL keeps pasting the name of the database in to the SQL editor / query tabs. It's annoying and been happening for years! I went through the Preferences ⭢ Shortcuts however nothing stood out. I found a couple of paste options though it's just the normal paste functionality which is fine. Thoughts please?

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 days ago Permalink

You probably mean the "doubleclick inserts node text" feature. You can disable that in the tree style options:


JAB Creations's profile image JAB Creations posted 2 days ago Permalink

Ansgar, thank you! To save time when Windows has to be reinstalled I do a lot of work with registry settings. Here is the setting for anyone else who wants to quickly disable it during that process:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\HeidiSQL] "DoubleClickInsertsNodeText"=dword:00000000

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