Update fields after SELECT joined request

almakano's profile image almakano posted 11 years ago in Feature discussion Permalink
Is there way to update fields after SELECT JOINED request in the result window?
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 11 years ago Permalink
Not within a grid view. That must be done per UPDATE query.
almakano's profile image almakano posted 11 years ago Permalink
It is possible to edit grid when request select 1 table.

For grid view is only need to remember part of the last query "select (.+?) FROM" and repeat it when update.

Am i ?
almakano's profile image almakano posted 11 years ago Permalink
Unable update in grid view may be if selected with GROUP BY or values are NULL.

Request UPDATE grants to change 1 or more tables.

If it show joined tables. Would it have it's own update function?
almakano's profile image almakano posted 11 years ago Permalink
Can you write "file" and "function" which execute update in grid view?

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