Bug in Postgres support for search_path

[expired user #8358]'s profile image [expired user #8358] posted 10 years ago in Feature discussion Permalink
Description: trying to use certain features of Postgres (like htables) when using a schema other than 'public' result in Postgres SQL errors.

Expect to see:

Queries which use hstore, when enabled, to succeed.

Actually see:

Error messages saying that public.hstore is not defined.

Core reason:

When 'public' is not part of the current search_path, then extensions defined in public are not able to be used by tables in a different schema.


I believe Heidi is over-writing the default search_path set by either the database or the user settings. (HeidiSQL is deciding the search path should be limited to *only* the schema they selected in the connection details.) This can lead to unexpected behavior.

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