if you set the 'local number format', f.ex. the number '1234' is displayed like '1.234'.
When you start a search for '1234', you don't receive a match.
So, you have so search for '1.234', to get a match!
Should it be useful to search in 'the background' in the 'int'-columns, with and without set formatting?
using 'local number format' - search without '.'
I comprehend the 'performance-issue', of course!
What's your opinion regarding to this proposal:
Adding a checkbox in the 'search-box' within the 'options-section', where the user can activate or deactivate the 'using of local number format for searching'
So, there a still only one job.
What's your opinion regarding to this proposal:
Adding a checkbox in the 'search-box' within the 'options-section', where the user can activate or deactivate the 'using of local number format for searching'
So, there a still only one job.
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