I'd like to report a bug with the "Import CSV File" tool. Seems like it uses MySQL commands even while importing into a PostgreSQL database.
I first tried importing server-side, and it produced the following query and error. Note that my schema is named "public" and the table is named "data_at_rest_20150713".
LOAD DATA LOW_PRIORITY LOCAL INFILE E'C:\\temp\\data_at_rest_20150712.csv' INTO TABLE "public"."data_at_rest_20150713" FIELDS TERMINATED BY E',' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY E'"' ESCAPED BY E'"' LINES TERMINATED BY E'\r\n' IGNORE 1 LINES ("tools_internal_id", "run_date", "analyzed_date", "volume", "source", "category", "type", "feedname");
/* ERROR: syntax error at or near "DATA"
^ */
/* Affected rows: 0 Found rows: 0 Warnings: 0 Duration for 0 of 1 query: 0.000 sec. */
Looks like the equivalent method in Postgres is to use the COPY command:
I translated the above MySQL into PostgreSQL syntax but didn't get much further:
COPY "public"."data_at_rest_20150713" ("tools_internal_id", "run_date", "analyzed_date", "volume", "source", "category", "type", "feedname")
FROM E'C:\\temp\\data_at_rest_20150712.csv' WITH DELIMITER AS E',' CSV HEADER QUOTE AS E'"' ESCAPE AS E'"';
/* ERROR: must be superuser to COPY to or from a file
HINT: Anyone can COPY to stdout or from stdin. psql's \copy command also works for anyone. */
/* Affected rows: 0 Found rows: 0 Warnings: 0 Duration for 0 of 1 query: 0.000 sec. */
After some Googling seems like the preferred method is to use the utility \copy, not the command COPY. Haven't yet figured out how to make it work.
So moving on, I tried importing again, this time using "Client parses file contents" instead of "Server...". The original behavior was:
INSERT LOW_PRIORITY INTO "public"."data_at_rest_20150713" (<columns were here>) VALUES <values were here>
/* ERROR: syntax error at or near "LOW_PRIORITY"
LINE 1: INSERT LOW_PRIORITY INTO "public"."data_at_rest_20150713" ("...
^ */
Removing "LOW_PRIORITY", however, works.
Although since the file was somewhat large, not all of the rows show up in the log, so for now it's a fairly limited operation (only 14 of my rows were displayed).