"Search for program update..." is broken

[expired user #9011]'s profile image [expired user #9011] posted 9 years ago in Installation Permalink

When starting the manual "Search for update" process, no release history shows up and the message at the bottom says: "The Internet address could not be opened..."

I'm using 5026 but the problem existed also some days ago with the previous version. There might be a change that my local anti virus, proxy settings or whatever blocks this request. But on my system nothing has changed the last days (beside regular updates).

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ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 9 years ago Permalink

No problem here with that - see screenshot.

You can make a quick test in your webbrowser by navigating to the update check url. Apparently, your webbrowser succeeds here, while heidisql.exe cannot retrieve that url, due to some firewall setting on your side.

[expired user #9011]'s profile image [expired user #9011] posted 9 years ago Permalink

Thank you for the reply!

Problem solved. It was a (hidden) VPN Proxy Setting. Discovered it when testing the http://www.heidisql.com/updatecheck.php?r=5000 URL on Internet Explorer and not only FF!

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