Listing for keyboard shortcuts

stevehomer's profile image stevehomer posted 9 years ago in General Permalink

I know I can look in tools->pref->shortcuts but I cannot find what I am looking for (how to add a column to a table (I am going to be adding hundreds in the next hour)). I cannot find that on the Shortcuts tab but, n general, a comprehensive listing would be REALLY helpful.

There must be a list somewhere internally if you send it to me I will try and format it.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 9 years ago Permalink

I'm afraid that these shortcuts in the table editor are not customizable.

stevehomer's profile image stevehomer posted 9 years ago Permalink

Even more reason to have a list. I am serious about tidying up any documentation you might have on shortcuts so it could be shared.... Having said that I don't promise WHEN I will do it. Happy 2016

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 9 years ago Permalink

What about displaying that shortcut tree as a list with column headers, instead of displaying it as a tree? That would magically add support for sorting them by keyboard shortcut, by name, by group and probably more.

stevehomer's profile image stevehomer posted 9 years ago Permalink

But... but... splutter... Are you wanting me to go through the entire tree??? If you have an XML file or whatever that has these defined in it whack it over and I will clean it up (I am in love with phpStorm and I suspect it will take me less than 5 mins to make a pretty thing :-) ) PS Happy New Year and I am also in love with Heidi - although I have a few minor usability tweaks I may suggest later.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 9 years ago Permalink

I wasn't refering to the documentation you want to make, but to make the tree more usable.

stevehomer's profile image stevehomer posted 9 years ago Permalink

I wasn't refering to the documentation you want to make, but to make the tree more usable.

Okie Dokie but for people like me a printout I can stick on the wall is VERY VERY useful (you should see my walls!!!)

stevehomer's profile image stevehomer posted 9 years ago Permalink

I wasn't refering to the documentation you want to make, but to make the tree more usable.

Okie Dokie but for people like me a printout I can stick on the wall is VERY VERY useful (you should see my walls!!!)

And people like me I mean folks with no memory...

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