BUG: Insert For Unix Timestamp Column.

[expired user #9550]'s profile image [expired user #9550] posted 9 years ago in General Permalink

As I was writing this, I began to think that this might not be a bug, but I'll explain it anyway just in case you want to prevent a crash. In MySQL, when you set an integer column to display as a UNIX timestamp column and right-click a cell and go to "Insert value" and choose "Unix timestamp", HeidiSQL crashes with the exception message that it's not a valid date/time format. I assume this is because the cell editor being used only works with valid date/time formats since the flag to show the column as a "Unix timestamp" is set? I assume so because choosing "Insert value" and the "Date and time" options works.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 9 years ago Permalink

Perhaps I should disable the Insert UNIX Timestamp menu item when the cell is displayed as date/time. The idea behind the "This is a UNIX Timestamp" column is to view and edit it as human readable date/time values.

[expired user #9550]'s profile image [expired user #9550] posted 9 years ago Permalink

Yeah and I LOVE it. But since it technically is still an integer column (at least from the database perspective), I made the wrong assumption of choosing to insert the current unix timestamp instead of the current date/time. It's nothing serious and I don't care if it remains how it is since I understand why it's happening now.

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