First, I love this program. It's made my life so so much better so thank you.
I'm attempting to use the MySQL option replicate-rewrite-db so that queries from my Master DB are translated to a different DB on my Slave.
It's pretty straightforward except that MySQL, for better or worse, won't translate queries that include an explicit database definition.
This will replicate:
UPDATE table SET column = value;
But this will break replication
UPDATE db.table SET column = value;
My application's SQL queries never explicitly include a database, but I noticed that when I went to insert or edit a row in HeidiSQL, that the DB name was automatically added to the table names, thus breaking my replication.
Of course I could just manually write the queries, but I do enjoy using the Editor. I'm not certain of all the ramifications for changing this behavior but would it be possible to have an option that would leave the DB name off?
Thanks again for all your work!