HeidiSQL in the Windows Store

[expired user #10112]'s profile image [expired user #10112] posted 8 years ago in Installation Permalink

Hi There,

Now that Microsoft has GA'd their Desktop App Converter, I was wondering if there was any possibility of having HeidiSQL listed added to the Windows Store. I feel that this would be a convenient way to install the app on workstations running Windows 10.

Thanks in Advance, Adam

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 8 years ago Permalink

Oh, that sounds interesting. But I need to make myself familiar with that store stuff, as I'm more a Win7 user yet and running Android on my smartphone.

[expired user #10112]'s profile image [expired user #10112] posted 8 years ago Permalink

Hi Ansgar,

Scott Hanselman put together a good walkthrough example a couple of days ago at his blog

By itself, it doesn't look like it would be too hard. I have no idea how it would integrate into your build pipeline though and I'm sure you'd be looking at doing it in some automated way.


ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 8 years ago Permalink

Quite good tutorial, but also quite much effort just for getting an app into the Windows store.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 7 years ago Permalink

Hey, here's a ticket for this: https://github.com/HeidiSQL/HeidiSQL/issues/60

I already worked on that, but I'm having problems due to a hanging installer in the isolated Windows environment, as documented in the ticket. Perhaps you have some input?

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