HeidiSQL cannot connect thru SSH if there is a running local MySQL instance while other tools like DBeaver or SQLYog can connect thru same SSH settings.
Here my test: On Win8.1 x64, my MySQL is running on local. When try to connect a remote server I see the below line in HeidiSQL log window:
plink.exe -ssh root@212.2.XXX.XXX -P 22 -i "myprivatekey.ppk" -N -L 3307:
But it fails with
Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
Because somehow it tries to connect my local instance and its password is different.
Here what I tried so far:
- If I stop local instance then it works.
- If I execute the plink command on a DOS window first then HeidiSQL can connect without problem.
- I changed the local MySQL port from 3306 to something else (3310) HS still tries to connect the local one first and fails.
- I enabled named pipe and shared memory on local instance.
- I disabled the TCP on local instance, still same (access denied, it still somehow connected to my local instance)
- I can connect with other db tools like MySQL Workbench etc.
And one last thing, I remember that this was working a few months ago but after one update this problem occurred. (don't remember which update)
This makes almost impossible to use HeidiSQL for me because I need constantly stop/start my local MySQL. Any idea why this happens?
Thanks in advance!