I have just upgraded to version and it completely screwed up the font sizes in all dialog boxes by making them HUGE! So huge they overflow the display areas and become unreadable. When I go to the Tools->Preferences->General tab the box for setting the font size has completely disappeared. I have had to revert to the previous version.
Build 9258 screws upfont sizes
This is due to various new fixes for high DPI scaling. See issue #213. Probably the scaling factor is not yet correct.
- Could you please make a screenshot where Heidi can be seen besides another program which supports DPI scaling?
- How is your DPI scaling set? (125%, 150%,...)
@kuchumovn: I see my factor for scaling the font size must not be proportional to the scale percentage.
For example:
- font height is 9px @ 100% scaling
- should be 18px @ 200% scaling
- Heidi increases the font size, not the height, by factor 2, which weirldy results in 27px height
- the fix for the size factor could be: [size] / 3 * 2
- crossing fingers that this fixes the font height to the right value
Isn't this all a mess or what?
I meant why you did you post a screenshot of the non-faulty version. Anyway, you should have noticed that it has blured fonts, which is what I want to fix here.
For the font size/height problem: perhaps I should just increase the height by the proportional factor, not the size with an unproportional one.
I posted a screenshot of the non-faulty version to show that it did not have the fault. It should signify that a change you made to the later version produced this fault, so you should look at this change to find out why it misbehaved.
The fonts in the non-faulty version may look slightly blurred to you, but I would much rather have a slightly blurred font that I can read than a sharp font that I cannot.
I see my factor for scaling the font size must not be proportional to the scale percentage.
I'd like the fonts just to be normal size, not scaled. I'm using 200% scale for "retina" effect, so fonts inside an app shouldn't get bigger than on a FullHD monitor.
Keep in mind you're using the nightly builds here, not the official release version. There always may be unfinished things in the nightlies.
I just clicked "Help -> Update" yesterday and it updated to what it currently is. If it's a nightly build then it means that "Help -> Update" updates to a potentially broken version which I guess should be changed ("Help -> Update" should only updated to stable releases).
In the next release, however, I planned to have this all fixed.
Ok, thx.
That fixes the font problem, but as you can see in the attached screenshot there is a problem in the 'basic' tab where the right hand margin of the 'name' and 'comment' text boxes appears to be fixed' If I try to make the left hand pane any wider, or reduce the size of the entire window, the text boxes disappear completely.
@ansgar I also updated to the latest build and it fixes the font sizes. I also noticed that the font size now is a bit smaller, maybe by 1px or 2px. I looked at the "Grid formatting" section but it only allows selecting font-family (Tahoma) and doesn't offer font-size selection.
Offtopic: I can see the toolbar icons are very blurry. I could find a high-res (or even SVG, if you prefer) alternatives to the existing icons if you want. Mail me at kuchumovn@gmail.com if interested.
The icons are currently upscaled hardly, which breaks the alpha channel of the png based icons.
If there was support for svg files, that would be cool, but Delphi does not have that currently. I also guess this is not the most important thing to fix. But it would at least be cool if I find a way to upscale icons while preserving their alpha channel. Paint.net also does that, and that looks way better than in HeidiSQL. Not sharp, but at least not so broken.
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